Proposal and comments submitted to FSSAI for legislation

Gluten free laws and allergen labelling laws have been enacted in many countries, but had so far not been formulated in India.

We are happy to inform you that in February 2015, Government of India had issued a draft gazette notification with respect to gluten and non gluten food which was open to public comments till April 2015. To read the gazette notification, click here.  We submitted our comments to each of the clauses as per the format prescribed. To read our comments, click here

We had also submitted a detailed proposal to FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) for gluten free labelling, keeping in view the challenges faced by the patients, industry practices and international legislations for gluten and allergen labelling. Codex guidelines and legislation from different countries were studied by us to understand the existing practices in different parts of the world. To read the highlights of our proposal, click here.

In May 2016, Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Second Amendment Regulation, 2016 and Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) First Amendment Regulation, 2016 relating to standards for gluten free food and low gluten food and their labelling requirements was issued, which can be read here.







